Developer Guide#
Settings Sync
Install ‘Settings Sync’ extension
Sync settings from public gist:
Add startup script from
to jupyter startup location/Users/{username}/.ipython/profile_default/startup
. This will import everything each time the ipython interactive window is launched.
Install and create a github account
Set global username and email:
git config --global "Fake Name"
git config --global email
Create empty folder ‘~/github’
git clone
git commands
check current staged files:
git status
ignore line endings (if project is worked on between mac and windows):
git config --global core.autocrlf true
exit logs/messages:
show history:
git log --pretty=oneline
tag version:
git tag -a 3.0.0 -m "this is the fist release version"
vscode github pannel > commit
cmd + shift + p > git push: follow tags
Files sometimes show as modified when repo opened (eg from onedrive) on new computer
If ALL files show changed, its usually just the filemode changed
git config core.fileMode false
Better terminal for windows
Copy bash.bashrc to
Sets aliases
Install Python (single user only)
Select “add python to PATH” during install options
open command prompt, check python installed correctly with
python --version
curl -sSL | python - --preview
Need to add to path
Init virtual environment with
poetry lock
to create poetry.lockDownload and sync all packages from poetry.lock with
poetry install
(run this at any time if things get out of sync or broken)Use poetry as main package manager
When working in the cmd line, activate environment with
poetry shell
to have access to developer packages (eg twine)print list of installed packages:
poetry show
orpoetry run pip list
Create requirements.txt:
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
Update single package:
poetry update <packagename>
Install from custom forked repo:
poetry add git+
comes fromname
defined in, will be name of install-e
flag makes the package ‘editable’ and puts in intosrc
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019
NOTE only needed to install
from sourcebsdiff4 has problem finding python.h during install
May also need to install Visual Studio Community 2019 (for python native build tools)
Needed for weasprint/cairo/etc
installs libcairo libraries
Dont need to add to path
Package management for windows
Open PowerShell as administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Open git bash as administrator
choco install make
Allows using the make commands defined in Makefile
Install pyodbc
count lines of code in project:
pygount --suffix=py --format=summary smseventlog
Language Files % Code % Comment % --------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------- ------ Python 46 100.00 10748 100.00 1699 100.00 --------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------- ------ Sum total 46 10748 1699
SMS Event Log’s gui is built with PyQt6
Build Process#
Commit all changes to git, add comments etc (use github menu in vscode)
Increment version with eg
bumpversion patch --verbose
(must be run inside active poetry shell)Push tags to git
git push --tags
(only pushes tags, increments version on github)git push
> pushes all changes (could also use vscode menu to push)Local testing - Build exe using custom build script
poetry run python -m
(see pyinstaller below for more info)Production - Build exe with pyupdater:
Note - dev needs to get the .env file with saved settings/passwords (ask jayme)
cd build_scripts
(location of the build scripts)Mac:
zsh true
(true = upload after build is complete)Win:
build.bat true
Push build package to s3 bucket with
Build Software#
Use bumpversion to control version increments
creates a git tag before pushing
bumpversion patch --dry-run --verbose --allow-dirty
bumpversion [major | minor | patch | release | build]
bumpversion patch
> will increment version from 3.0.1 > 3.0.2a0bumpversion minor
> will increment version from 3.0.1 > 3.1.0a0 > 3.1.0
PyUpdater handles package build (wraps PyInstaller), signs code, uploads to amazon s3, and handles app update checks/downloads/restarts
Build exe and deploy to amazon s3 (windows) - `
In project dir (SMS) (windows),
poetry run python -m
(runs custom build python file which calls PyInstaller with args)Only use PyInstaller on its own to create a test build because PyUpdater auto zips everything.
This will package app and output files to /dist/[mac|win]
Build Issues
Files in
frozen py files
need to be replaced after version updates to their packages. They contain small changes eg try/except for getting a version number. The originals break the exe build. If directly replacing these files doesn’t work, may need to dig into code and redo fixes somehow.
Selenium - no console window
# replace this for no console window on windows, line 72 ish # self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=self.env, # close_fds=platform.system() != 'Windows', # stdout=self.log_file, # stderr=self.log_file, # stdin=PIPE) if any("hide_console" in arg for arg in self.command_line_args()): self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, creationflags=0x08000000) else: self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=self.env, close_fds=platform.system() != 'Windows', stdout=self.log_file, stderr=self.log_file, stdin=PIPE)
~ line 434 in_get_manifest_from_http()
Possibly temp,
doesn’t exist yet
# version_files = [self.version_file, self.version_file_compat] version_files = [self.version_file_compat]
Build Issues (resolved, ignore)
this needs to be fixed any time pandas is udpated.
open [virtualenv]/Lib/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/
change line 141 from:
template = env.get_template("html.tpl") # to import os path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/templates/html.tpl" with open(path) as fin: data = template = env.from_string(data)
Weasyprint / Cairosvg / Cairoccfi
VERSION fails to load (fix
in both)weasyprint/
- Line 24 - add:try: VERSION = __version__ = (ROOT / 'VERSION').read_text().strip() except: VERSION = __version__ = ''
Matplotlib (seems to be resolved)
to:datas = [(mpl_data_dir, "matplotlib/mpl-data")]
Tinycss2 / cssselect2
related to
file at.../site-packages/tinycss2/VERSION
Code Signing
(mac only so far)
Sign -
codesign --deep -s "SMS Event Log" "/Applications/SMS Event"
Verify -
codesign -dv --verbose=4 "/Applications/SMS Event"
file at ‘c:\users\username’ (one time, stores api key for login)make sure user installed setuptools is up to date (or bdist_wheel doesn’t work)
python -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
create wheel:
TODO: get version from github with requests?
python clean --pre && python sdist bdist_wheel clean --post
bdist_wheel > creates wheel (built distribution) to upload to pypi
sdist > creates source distribution (fallback)
clean –pre > runs custom command to remove previously leftover folders if they exist
clean –post > remove smseventlog.egg-info folder (never needed)
check contents of wheel package (optional)
tar -tf dist\smseventlog-3.0.0.tar.gz
upload with twine
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
twine upload dist/*
cleanup all leftover folders:
python clean --all
Azure Functions
Parts of the smseventlog package run as smseventlog-app in azure functions
This runs several functions such as: daily availability imports, oil sample imports, SMR hrs imports
Some key azure commands are:
Publish to azure
func azure functionapp publish smseventlog-app --build-native-deps
Test locally
func host start
(must be run in active pipenv shell)Manually trigger timer function
curl --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"input":""}' http://localhost:7071/admin/functions/az_TimerImportSMR
check subscriptions
az account list --output table
change subscription
az account set --subscription Jayme_Personal_Subscription